
This is just a fun blog that I hope you all enjoy and leave your thoughts. Maybe you'll even get some inspiration from some of my idea's like my blog inspiration did for me! =]

Friday, July 8, 2011

There's gold in them hills.

Life offers so many challenges. From trying to read people to trying to balance a dang check book. I'm taking this blog to vent the steam that has been created in me all day today. Called in early to work this morning, which was not bad. But scared me to death because I expected the call to be telling me I was late to work or something. Getting creeped on by a guy who came into my work about seven times today. Check book does not match what the check book online says. Whatsoeveerrrr. Who's idea was it to put me in charge of money? And also, conformation that I am vacationing in the one place in this world that I do not want to go. ok. Now that I am done wining like a small child, I will leave you now. Thanks for being a listening ear.


This makes everything better, I promise.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

only the young

How does one deal with growing up? It's not how I expected it would be at all. Though, I am just as excited as I thought I would be. Lots of things are changing, so many good and a few bad. That's just how I like it. I don't enjoy the times where the bad out weighs the good. I'm thankful for all the days I have had for the past month or so. So many new and wonderful friends made. A few old friendships brought back to life. Who am I to want anything more? 

And have I even mentioned my garden yet? No! It's still a work in progress but has several flowers now. It's lovely. It is a place of rest for me. I recently found a picnic table and benches at a flea market that now reside in my resting place. Thanks to my job, which I am so glad I have. It's been interesting actually having money to spend on things. Every time I buy something now I think of how it's probably going to be in my house when I get married. I also dream of that often, as well. There are so many exciting things in store for the future.

It can be very scary to think about and try to plan for but when I look at all of the things I have gotten through and all of the people who are here for me my fears leave. Bring it on.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beautiful dreams

     This life is moving so quickly. It wont be long until I graduate. Probably about seven days, I think it is. This is fine with me. So many good things have happened. So many dreams have unfolded in my heart. Inspiration is hitting me like it's never done before. I just hope I can find the modivation to put action to all of these dreams! From selling things I make, designing, getting a job, and marrying a boy. So many dreams.
      I've found much of this inspiration from "A Beautiful Mess". A blog from a local girl who owns a little shop called Red Velvet. It is'nt even just that red velvet cup cakes are my favorite, either! Feel free to visit her page. http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/about-elsie.html  Her drive to make dresses, having her own shop, and just being herself on her website makes me feel like I should do something. Journaling has grown these idea's and passions so much and I'm thankful to my art teachers for inspiring me to do so. It's something I will never give up for the rest of my life.
     Speaking of the rest of my life, a thought came to me today about that boy who's gonna be mine some day. I act like a baby, in a way, thinking that something is not real because I can not see it in front of me. Because I can not see this perfect man I sometimes fear that he isn't real, which is silly since I have not met every man on this planet. Thoughts like these give me peace and help me wait just a little bit longer. He'll be here soon, I'm sure.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring's flinging

     It is here. Spring has finally come. Sundresses and shorts are coming out of my closet more and more as the days get warmer. I have spent as much time in the sun as possible. I can't get enough and neither can my chickens. Today we spent the day digging in the dirt together. I was preparing for my garden as they were eating all the worms. I like to think they do it so I won't have to deal with the nasty little things but they probably don't put that much thought into it.
     Also, as the days get warmer we get closer to my graduation. Time for a life change I guess. I usually don't care much for change but this time I can't wait. I'm ready to be finished with this school and get on to whatever is next. For me, a lot of outdoor time, swimming, gardening, etc. There will also be work in my future. Something I care about and can do well. Lots of thinking about that will come before I graduate. Planning, here I come.