
This is just a fun blog that I hope you all enjoy and leave your thoughts. Maybe you'll even get some inspiration from some of my idea's like my blog inspiration did for me! =]

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I am having spring fever as of this very moment. New plants are calling my name. I can not wait until the day that when I "go to work" it will mean going to my greenhouse or someone else's greenhouse or to the farm. I'm dying to have chickens and vegetables and cows and everything else. My head is full of dreams tonight and my heart is full of restlessness. I will have to post pictures of the new grow light I have and the progress my seeds have made since. Soon we will have lettuce and possibly several flowers along with succulent cuttings and cactus cuttings! My life is full of joy.

Here's a sneak peak! These little babies decided to grow after I left them sitting in a window like I read in one blog about succulents. Success so far!